以下の4曲(Doshisha College Song、若草萌えて、Doshisha Heroes、Doshisha Cheer)を歌詞を見ずに歌えるようにしてください。大学では各大会で優勝した際円陣を組んでこ4曲を声高らかに歌います。上手い下手は関係ありません。大声で堂々と歌えるようにしてください。
<Doshisha College Song>
One purpose, Doshisha, thy name
Doth signify; one lofty aim;
To train thy sons in heart and hand
To live for God and Native Land.
Dear Alma Mater, sons of thine
Shall be as branches to the vine;
Tho’ through the world we wander far and wide,
Still in our hearts thy precepts shall abide!
若草萌えて 生命は溢る 若人の血 今もゆる
希望は胸に 心は躍る 男々しく立て 同志社
高らかに叫べ 誇の歴史
いざ起て友よ 勝利は待てり 白熱の意気 敵なし
<Doshisha Heroes & Doshisha Cheer>
〇Doshisha Heroes 歌詞
(again)Doshisha heroes ever must win, Fight to the finish, never give in, La La La
All play your best, boys, We’ll do the rest, boys.
Fight for the Victory. La, La, La,
(again) Doshisha wins today.
〇Doshisha Cheer歌詞
One, two, three, Who are we? La, la, la, Doshisha!
One, two, three, Who are we? La, la, la, Doshisha!
One, two, three, Who are we? La, la, la, Doshisha! (applause